Getting an appointment for Us Visa is always hard and sometimes limited. This alone can be frustrating when one can not secure an interview spot for his/her visa.
If you have experience in this process, I believe you must have encountered this on several occasions. One thing I find annoying is the consistent checking for available appointments almost every day.
One crazy thing is waking up late or early in the morning to check for any available appointments only to find out that your US visa account has been frozen for 72 hours for suspecious reasons. If you experienced that then keep reading to find out more on why your US visa account is place on 72 hours suspension due to suspecious reason.
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In many cases, when your account is under the 72 hours suspension, you’ll like get this message
Your account has been frozen for suspicious activity, and you will not be able to access it for up to 72 hours. Your account will be unfrozen automatically after that time. Our call center agents will not be able to assist you with unfreezing your account or scheduling your appointment until then.
When you get this message, what should you do?
During such encounter, you might likely get fraustrated or discouraged. I have seen people who almost gave up as a result of this message after waiting for an appointment.
This message can pop up on your screen not because you did any thing suspecious. This is likely a security measure placed to protect your account.
I know you might be fraustrated and even piss off after paying $160 only to end up getting such kind of error message when you know you haven’t done anything wrong such as trying to game the system, hack into it or even hack into someone elses account.
The first time i experienced this, i know how bad i felt and disappointed. I decided to start my own research on how to solve this predicament i encounter.
In this article, i’ll be talking about how you can solve the error message you get on your US visa account saying
“Your account has been frozen for suspicious activity, and you will not be able to access it for up to 72 hours. Your account will be unfrozen automatically after that time. Our call center agents will not be able to assist you with unfreezing your account or scheduling your appointment until then.”
Keep reading, while I put you through how to solve this error and explain the reasons why you may likely face this challenge on your US visa account.
What Does It Mean To Have A CGI Account Frozen?
As we all know that VISA Accounts are called CGI Federals or The US Travel Docs, they allow an individual to schedule an appointment. When your visa account is from for 72 hours, you will see the message “Your account has been frozen for suspicious activity, and you will not be able to access it for up to 72 hours. Your account will be unfrozen automatically after that time. Our call center agents will not be able to assist you with unfreezing your account or scheduling your appointment until then.”. This message is a normal message being displayed or a frozen account. When you see such message, don’t freak out. It means that your visa appointment account has been locked and you can’t log back in for atleast 72 hours.
The estimation of this time is calculated from the first time you see the error while trying to login.
A lot of people always try to play smart by changing the password of the account. When you try that, you’ll automatically trigger the security system that will double the security layer of your account. This means that your account suspension will be prolonged.
Why Does A CGI Account Gets Frozen For 72hours?
The major reason for accounts being frozen is to add additional security layer in other to prevent agents and bots from gaming the system and taking away opportunities from individual applicants without any connection from booking an appointment that they deserve.
Most of this agents that are known to deal with US Visa application are often known for having a pool of “Placeholders” account. With this accounts, the agents can use it look up and hold appointments. The system is then able to detect most of this accounts because the agents who use them have no intention of holding an appointment. What they do is to spy and check for any available appointsments. With the advancement of technology, some of these agents have now engineer some bots to do the job for them by automating the process.

Let me give an example of how this agents operate. You’ll get to understand why the system is being strict when it comes to CGI account freezing for 72 hours.
An agent who is a business person is known to go for the profit despite gaming the system for being clever.
As we all know, the US visa fee is $160 and valid for just one year. An gent will find a way to get an appointment for his clients for atleast a fee of $100 or less in other to make him self a better option. Customers will then patronize the service of the agen. If for instance the agent is able to get up to 10 clients ready to pay $100, it simply means that he/she will be making $1000.
Since CGI Inc notice this practice by this agenst, the company who are known for the maintenance and operaion of the US visa appoint ment system decided to design a security system that kicks any one out of any account that is frequently checked for 72 hours to ensure that those individuals genuine people who need it.
The CGI Inc company is aware of people complaining of how they get kicked out of their accounts frequently when they try to login to check if they’ve got an appointment. CGI Inc are working hard to ensure that they find an effective way that can smarly monitor accounts to differencient agents from individuals.
Unfreezing A CGI Account- How to unfreeze CGI account
To unfreeze your CGI account, there is a particular way of doing that. To log out and patiently wait for the 72 hours.
If you fall in to the category of account being frozen/unfrozen, You’ll need to wait for the 72 hours. once you can confirm that the account has been unfrozen, then you need to only login once in 24 hours.
Contacting customer care can only solve problems related to changing passwords, not unfreezing an account. If you’re tempted to creating account and paying the fee, know that it will not work because it is a duplicate account due to similar information relating to an existing account.
What is the Best Way Of Preventing A CGI Account From Being frozen For 72hours?
The reasons why accounts are beig frozen is only known to CGI Inc. But below are some of the reason we believe to trigger CGI security that leading account being frozen for 72hours.
- Concurrent logins
- Sharing login information with others
- First time login from a new device.
How To Avoid Your Account Being Frozen
To avoid your account being frozen by CGI, you need to do the following
- Avoid changing your IP address by using new browsers all the time
- Avoid giving family and friends your login information in other to help you check.
I hope this article covers everything you need to know accounts being frozen by CGI.
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