What is the new Canadian Immigration Policy?( What you need to know)

 Canada is one of the most welcoming countries in the world. The country is known for its hospitability that is accommodating to every foreigner no matter the class of that individual. The country has welcome refugees and asylum seekers over the years which has become one of the major reasons the country has been experiencing massive growth in its economy. With the number of immigrants trying to come into Canada, the Canadian government has come up with New Immigration Policy in Canada. We are going to look into that shortly. keep on reading to know more.

The immigration system of Canada has been effective for decades and this has helped the country tremendously. The policies being put into action have been one of the primary reasons Canada is where it is today.

Canada has experienced massive growth in health, technology, and the labor force. This is why Canada has remained prosperous, diverse, and welcoming to everyone.

 Canada has been welcoming immigrants which has led to the country valuing multiculturalism. According to CFR. Foreign-born individuals make up about one-fifth of Canada’s population—one of the highest ratios for industrialized Western countries. 

With the continuous increase in the population of foreigners in Canada, the country can counter the aging demographics and fuel its economy in the aspect of the labor force. In recent years, the country has become a safe haven for law-abiding foreigners which has made the country a more attractive destination to immigrants, asylum seekers, and temporary workers.


The number of immigrants coming to Canada has increased due to the immigration policy made by the former president of the United States, Donald Trump. However, pandemic-related travel restrictions, coupled with President Joe Biden’s efforts to reform U.S. immigration policy and increase the annual refugee cap, could reduce the number of people seeking to immigrate to Canada.

The country’s immigration department made it clear in one of its publications on “New Immigration Plan to fill labor market shortage and grow Canada’s economy”.

 In this publication, the immigration department stated that newcomers enrich and better their communities, and they work every day to create jobs, care for their loved ones, and support their local businesses. Even during the period of the pandemic that almost brought the world to its knees, a lot of Immigrants working and staying in Canada have been on the frontline, working in the key sectors of the country such as health care, transportation, and manufacturing.

The immigration department also made it clear that without the Immigrants, Canada would not have been able to combat and overcome some of these challenges in critical industries and sectors of the county’s economy in the past two years. This is why they respect immigrants and give them equal rights to other citizens. The country regards immigrants as a key part of its country’s continued success.

According to Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship. The Canadian economy needs the service of immigrants. In his words, which he tabled on the Immigration level plan of 2022-2024, he stated that “The pandemic has highlighted the contributions of newcomers to the well-being of our communities and across all sectors of the economy”

So without wasting much time, let us look at the New Immigration Policy Of Canada and how it can be helpful to individuals traveling to Canada, seeking asylum, or even thinking of working as a temporary worker.

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New Immigration Policy Canada

What Is Canada’s New Immigration Policy?

According to  Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship. The delay in the processing of Immigrants coming into the country can be frustrating for many individuals, which is one thing that can change the mind of those looking forward to working in Canada. In his words, he mentioned that “Helping clients come to Canada quickly, with predictable processing times and efficient communication with IRCC, remains a top priority for me.”

He also said that Immigration is beneficial to all Canadians because it strengthens the communities across the country. The high number of people coming into the country and choosing the country as the number one place, they will love to stay or even visit and build a future is one of the major reasons why the country needs to be competitive by introducing concrete measures that will attract people to come to Canada in other to have the right client experience they deserve.

As of 2021, Canada has welcomed over 405,00 new permanent residents. This is one of the highest in a single calendar year in the history of Canada.

Despite the country regaining the lost jobs as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, there are still hundreds of thousands of positions in all sectors waiting to be filled.

The country’s immigration has already accounted for almost 100% growth in the labor force, with over 5 million Canadians set to retire by the end of this decade. With this put in place by the Canadian government, you’ll realize that the workers to retiree ratio have dropped down to 3:1. This is an indication that even with this the country still needs to allow more immigrants to fill in the labor force.

With the new Canadian immigration plan for 2022-2024 in place, the government of Canada is ensuring that it meets up with the expectation of filling the labor market gaps and supporting a strong economy in the future. 

They plan to ensure that immigrants fill 1% of Canada’s population, including 431,645 permanent residents in 2022, 447,055 in 2023, and 451,000 in 2024. This plan builds on the previous levels plan, with an increased focus on supporting our economic resurgence and post-pandemic growth.

The new Canadian Immigration policy of 2022-2024 is ensuring that the country can increase the attraction and retention of newcomers in the country with acute economic, labor, and demographic challenges.

The country will ensure it increases Francophone immigration outside of Quebec while ensuring it supports the successful integration of French-speaking newcomers and strengthening the Francophone communities across the country. This also stands as part of the Immigration strategy of the country to reach 4.4% french speaking Immigrants outside of Quebec by 2023.

Below are some major plans of the Canadian government in the New Immigration Policy Of Canada.

  • The government of Canada has invested a total sum of 428.9 million dollars as of 2021. $398.5 million in remaining amortization, starting in 2021–2022, to develop and deliver an enterprise-wide digital platform that would gradually replace IRCC’s legacy Global Case Management System. This secure, stable, and flexible platform will help improve application processing and support for applicants.
  • The country has come up with modern-day technology that can help immigrants know how long it will take to process their applications. With the “Check processing time” tool, clients will be able to estimate how long it will take for their application to be processed.
  • The country’s IRCC is committed to a fair and non-discriminatory application of immigration procedures. They ensure that they take this as a serious responsibility by ensuring that officers are properly trained to assess applications equally against the same criteria.


The New Canada Immigration Policy is ensuring that immigrants are given access to Canada after meeting the requirement of Canadian immigration. Newcomers can work in different sectors of the country by ensuring they contribute their own quota to the growth of the country’s economy and building a stronger labor force.

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